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Index of Notes

by David Sunfellow

Fantastically Informative & Inspiring Notes & Quotes New Sections • Near-Death Experiences From Around The World (Updated 05/13/21) • Near-Death Experiences Featured On This Website (Updated 09/24/20) • NDE Newsletters • Galleries • Interviews with David Sunfellow Recent Posts • Kenneth Ring – Do Our Pets Have An Afterlife? • Uncle Calvin • Mary W […]

Near-Death Experiences That Predict The End Of The World

by David Sunfellow

What are we to think about near-death experiences that predict the end of the world?  Are these dramatic, mostly apocalyptic predictions reliable? Where do they come from? And what can we learn from them?

As an example of the kind of dire predictions we are talking about, this resource page begins with a 15-year-old Jewish boy describing his apocalyptic near-death experience. That video is followed by several more dramatic NDE predictions, including predictions from George Ritchie, Deputy Marty Breeden, Kathy Baker, Reinee Pasarow, Howard Storm, Kenneth Leth, and Mellen-Thomas Benedict.

Then we hear from Robert Mays and Kenneth Ring, two NDE researchers who examine this topic from different angles. Mays examines several current predictions that are waiting to come true, while Ring discusses a series of 1988 predictions that failed to materialize.

One important point worth noting: According to Mays, only four percent of the near-death experiences collected by IANDS contain future global predictions. Only four percent? Why so few? And why are most of them so dire?

Finally, this page includes comments, videos, links, and other information that explores the exceptionally poor track record of apocalyptic predictions (both past and present, from near-death experiences and elsewhere) and offers some concrete advise as to how to face — and constructively shape — whatever future awaits us.

NDE Predictions – Personal

by David Sunfellow

Blessing in Disguise: Another Side of the Near Death Experience By Barbara Rommer Excerpt: “Tony said: ‘I was in the most beautiful place I have ever seen. It had a pure, pleasant, fresh, clean smell. I was pain free and totally happy. There were beautiful flowers of vibrant, vivid soft colors. A stream of crystal […]

Historical & Cross-Cultural Near-Death Experiences

by David Sunfellow

…………………. Near-Death Experiences Have Been Teaching, Healing, Guiding, And Evolving Humankind From The Earliest Days “Based on the groundbreaking work of scholars like Gregory Shushan, it is now clear that near-death experiences provided the source material that both civilized and indigenous cultures built their spiritual traditions on. What’s more, an evolutionary impulse has provided a […]

NDEs & The Purpose Of Life

by David Sunfellow

Our Job On Earth Is Important; Our Worth Is How Much We Can Love Near-Death Experiencer Heather V “At the end of this tunnel was the most beautiful place in existence. I seemed to have arrived back in the room but in another dimension. I was looking at everyone and everything in that hospital through what […]

Highly Recommended Books & Movies

by David Sunfellow

……………. Highly Recommended Books ……………. 500 Quotes From Heaven: Life-Changing Quotes That Reveal The Wisdom & Power Of Near-Death Experiences By David Sunfellow One of the most sweeping and comprehensive books ever written about near-death experiences, this book features 140 experiencers and 24 researchers sharing their personal accounts, life experiences, and hard-earned wisdom. With a […]

Carl Jung’s Near-Death Experience

by David Sunfellow

In a hospital in Switzerland in 1944, the world-renowned psychiatrist Carl G. Jung, had a heart attack and then a near-death experience. His vivid encounter with the light, plus the intensely meaningful insights led Jung to conclude that his experience came from something real and eternal. Jung’s experience is unique in that he saw the Earth from a vantage point of about a thousand miles above it. His incredibly accurate view of the Earth from outer space was described about two decades before astronauts in space first described it. Subsequently, as he reflected on life after death, Jung recalled the meditating Hindu from his near-death experience and read it as a parable of the archetypal Higher Self, the God-image within. Carl Jung, who founded analytical psychology, centered on the archetypes of the collective unconscious. The following is an excerpt from his autobiography entitled Memories, Dreams, Reflections describing his near-death experience.

Harriet Tubman, The Black Moses

by David Sunfellow

“As an adolescent, Tubman suffered a severe head injury when an overseer threw a two-pound metal weight at another slave who was attempting to flee. The weight struck Tubman instead, which she said ‘broke my skull.’ Bleeding and unconscious, she was returned to her owner’s house and laid on the seat of a loom, where she remained without medical care for two days. After this incident, Tubman frequently experienced extremely painful headaches. She also began having seizures and would seemingly fall unconscious, although she claimed to be aware of her surroundings while appearing to be asleep. This condition remained with her for the rest of her life; Larson suggests she may have suffered from temporal lobe epilepsy as a result of the injury.”

May, James & Rashad – A Shared Near-Death Experience

by David Sunfellow

The following shared near-death experience appears in the International Association for Near-Death Studies publication Vital Signs (Volume XIX, No. 3, 2000) and is described in a greater way in May Eulitt’s and Dr. Stephen Hoyer’s book, Fireweaver: The Story of a Life, a Near-Death, and Beyond. It also appears in Kevin Williams’ book, Nothing Better Than Death: Insights from Sixty-Two Profound Near-Death Experiences.

Reverend Matthew Wright, Teilhard de Chardin, The Second Axial Age

by David Sunfellow

Reverend Matthew Wright, Teilhard de Chardin, The Second Axial Age The Reverend Matthew Wright is an Episcopal priest, writer, and retreat leader working to renew the Christian Wisdom tradition within a wider interspiritual framework.  He writes a monthly column, Belonging, for Contemplative Journal and serves as priest-in-charge at St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church in Woodstock, NY.  Matthew […]

Teaching Others About NDEs

by David Sunfellow

Teaching Others About Near-Death Experiences By David Sunfellow Many of us realize that the core truths championed by near-death experiences have the potential to change the world. After we’ve educated ourselves and started applying NDE truths to our personal lives, the next step is to share what we’ve learned with others. If you’re ready for this step and […]

Mary Reed: God, Jesus, and Buddha

by David Sunfellow

About Mary Reed Original Link Mary Reed is an “accidental” mystic who, following eleven years of profound, involuntary visions and insights into divine realms, surrendered her executive life in Washington, DC to explore her spiritual gifts in a remote Buddhist nunnery in India. She grew up without any interest in religion but with an innate […]