Shared Near-Death Experience

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Index of Notes

by David Sunfellow

Fantastically Informative & Inspiring Notes & Quotes New Sections • Near-Death Experiences From Around The World (Updated 05/13/21) • Near-Death Experiences Featured On This Website (Updated 09/24/20) • NDE Newsletters • Galleries • Interviews with David Sunfellow Recent Posts • Kenneth Ring – Do Our Pets Have An Afterlife? • Uncle Calvin • Mary W […]

May, James & Rashad – A Shared Near-Death Experience

by David Sunfellow

The following shared near-death experience appears in the International Association for Near-Death Studies publication Vital Signs (Volume XIX, No. 3, 2000) and is described in a greater way in May Eulitt’s and Dr. Stephen Hoyer’s book, Fireweaver: The Story of a Life, a Near-Death, and Beyond. It also appears in Kevin Williams’ book, Nothing Better Than Death: Insights from Sixty-Two Profound Near-Death Experiences.