

For fast-breaking news, information, and links to NDE-related books, videos, websites and other resources, visit NHNE NDE on FacebookGoogle+, and Twitter.

NHNE Pulse also has a fantastic collection of NDE news stories and special reports.


Near-Death Experience Articles on NHNE Pulse

• Near-Death Experiencer Roisin Fitzpatrick
• The Near-Death Experience of Six-Year-Old Ari Hallmark (Updated)
• Manifesto for a Post-Materialist Science
• All About The Alex Malarkey – ‘The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven’ – Controversy
• NDEr Howard Storm on Returning to Earth, Making Mistakes & Forgiveness
• NDEr Ellyn Dye: ‘Creating Your Own Reality’
• Facebook Q&A With NDEr Anita Moorjani
• Near-Death Experiencer Anita Moorjani: Why I Don’t Support ‘Breast Cancer Awareness’
• Excerpts: ‘The Map of Heaven’ by NDEr Dr. Eben Alexander
• Amy Call’s Near-Death Experience (Updated)
• U.K. University Looking for Out-of-Body Experiencers
• Hawaiian NDE from 1907
• Largest Medical Study Ever: Awareness Continues After Brain Shuts Down
• New Book: ‘Through Heaven’s Gate and Back’
• New Book: ‘The Map of Heaven’
• IANDS 2014 Conference: Near-Death Experiencers Shouldn’t Be Treated As Crazy
• New Book: ‘Glimpsing Heaven: The Stories and Science of Life After Death’
• Cancer Is Curable! (Resources for Healing Cancer and Staying Healthy)
• How Common Are Near-Death Experiences?
• Induced After-Death Communication (IADC)
• ‘Death Is Not Final’ Debate: Moody & Alexander Vs. Novella & Carroll
• New Book: ‘Answers About the Afterlife’
• NDE Researcher Dr. Melvin Morse Sentenced To Three Years For Waterboarding Daughter (Updated)
• Akiane Kramarik
• NHNE’s NDE ‘Formula’ Newsletter Premiers Monday
• Version 3.0 of ‘The Formula’ Now Available
• The Shared Crossing Project
• NDEs & Hell
• New Book: ‘The Boy Who Died and Came Back: Adventures of a Dream Archaeologist in the Multiverse’
• The Essence of Near-Death Experiences (In 8.5 Minutes)
• When Loved Ones & Friends Pass From This World To The Next
• NDE Researcher Dr. Melvin Morse Accused Of Waterboarding Daughter (Updated)
• New Book: ‘The Wisdom of Near-Death Experiences’
• National Geographic: ‘Life After Life’
• New Book: ‘Stop Worrying! There Probably Is An Afterlife’
• Movie: ‘Heaven Is For Real’ (Updated)
• The End-of-Life Epiphany of Roger Ebert
• Free eBooks from NDEr Barbara Harris Whitfield
• Documentary: ‘The Redemption of Howard Storm’
• The Science Of Resurrecting Dead Bodies
• Panel Discussion: ‘Experiencing Death: An Insider’s Perspective’
• Quote: Angels Among Us
• Notes From Sedona’s 12/17/13 NDE Class
• Christophor Coppes: The Essence of Religions and NDEs
• NDErs Anita Moorjani & Dr. Mary Neal on CNN This Sunday
• Movie: ‘Heaven Is For Real’ (Colton Burpo’s NDE)
• New Book: ‘My Death: A Personal Guide Book’ by Jeremy Kagan
• IANDS Presents: NDE Radio with Lee Witting
• Near-Death Experience Inspires Man To Help Save The Planet By Planting Trees (Updated)
• Dr. Rajiv Sinha: Sharing My NDE – A Physician’s Perspective
• NDE Researcher Dr. Kenneth Ring: Four NDErs Share Their Stories
• NDE Documentary: ‘Commonalities of the Experience’
• Esquire Challenges Dr. Eben Alexander’s Credibility & Story (Updated)
• Movie: ‘Astral City: A Spiritual Journey’
• A Teachable Moment: Esquire Versus Dr. Eben Alexander
• Near-Death Experiences & The Dark Side
• Nancy Evans Bush on the Controversy Surrounding Dr. Eben Alexander
• Esquire Challenges Dr. Eben Alexander’s Credibility & Story
• Plan To Clone ‘Super-Trees’ Could Resurrect UK’s Ancient Forests
• Fox & Friends: To Heaven & Back
• Important: ACISTE Directory Now Available
• Important: ‘Surviving Death, A Documentary’
• New NDE Book: ‘I Knew Their Hearts’ by Jeff Olsen
• Near-Death Experiences: Heavenly Stories Are Popular, Except In Church
• Notes from Sedona’s 06/04/13 NDE Class
• 05/07/13 NDE Class Notes (Includes The History of “The Formula”)
• The Immortality Project Announces Research Grants
• NDE Researcher Dr. Melvin Morse Arrested, Accused Of Waterboarding Daughter (Updated)
• New NDE Series: ‘What It’s Like To Die’
• Quote: Nassim Haramein
• New Book: ‘The Essence of Religions’
• New Book: ‘AFGEs: A Guide for Self-Awareness and Change’
• Memory Study: Near-Death Experiences More Vivid Than Real Life
• Universal Studios To Make Movie About NDEr Eben Alexander
• ‘The Formula for Creating Heaven on Earth’ by David Sunfellow
• New Book: ‘Erasing Death’
• Anita Moorjani Comes To Sedona!
• Dr. Bruce Greyson: Science & Postmortem Survival
• NDE: U.S. Senator Mark Kirk Describes Encounter With Three Angels
• NDE Researcher Kenneth Ring: The Golden Rule Dramatically Illustrated (Updated)
• Publishing World Cashes In On Near-Death Experiences
• David Sunfellow: ‘How Near-Death Experiences Are Changing The World’ (Updated)
• Raymond’s Near-Death Experience
• 12/18/12 Sedona NDE Class Notes
• 11/27/12 Sedona NDE Class Notes
• All About Emanuel Swedenborg
• Plato’s Cave: ‘A New Worldview After A Near-Death Experience’
• Dr. Eben Alexander: ‘The Science Of Heaven’
• 11/13/12 Sedona NDE Class Notes
• NHNE NDE Now on YouTube
• Dr. Lani Leary: ‘Preparing for a Meaningful Death’
• Quote: David Sunfellow
• 10/23/12 Sedona NDE Class Notes
• New Book: ‘Science and the Afterlife Experience’
• Atheists Unhinged Over Dr. Eben Alexander’s NDE
• Becki Hawkins Coming To Sedona (Updated)
• Newsweek Cover Story: Dr. Eben Alexander’s NDE
• Becki Hawkins Coming To Sedona
• New Movie: ‘Hellbound?’ (Updated)
• Lilou Mace Interviews Raymond Moody
• 08/28/12 NHNE NDE Class Notes
• 7-Year-Old Publishes Book About Her Near-Death Experience
• Near-Death Experience Inspires Man To Help Save The Planet By Planting Trees
• NHNE’s NDE Classes In Sedona
• Near-Death Experiences, Signs, Synchronicities, & CMPEs
• Amy C’s Near-Death Experience
• NDE Researcher Dr. Melvin Morse Arrested, Accused Of Waterboarding Daughter
• Quote: Raymond Moody: ‘Scoffers are on the defensive’
• $5 Million Grant Awarded by Private Foundation to Study Immortality
• Recent Near-Death Experience Stories
• Dr. Raymond Moody on Gaiam TV
• NDEs Absolutely, Positively NOT Caused By Malfunctioning Brains
• Quick List of Prominent Near-Death Experiencers
• Alex Tsakiris Interviews Nancy Bush About Distressing NDEs
• Dannion Brinkley With Lisa Harrison
• IANDS Seeks Funding For NDE Caregiver Film
• Anne Horn Describes Her NDE (We Should Stay In This World)
• New Documentary: ‘Death Makes Life Possible’
• NDE Researcher Kenneth Ring: The Golden Rule Dramatically Illustrated
• The Three Faces Of God
• Key Facts About Near-Death Experiences
• Channeled Material Describes Life Review Process Years, Possibly Decades, Before Moody
• Centre & Book: Bereavement Rescue Using NDEs
• Best Near-Death Experience Overviews
• Dr. Jan Holden Summarizes 30 Years Of NDE Research
• Must Watch: Dr. Eben Alexander Discusses His Remarkable NDE
• Bioethics Forum: Near-Death & The Experience Of Dying
• Robert Perry: ‘Loving Personhood Or Liberation From Personhood?’
• David Sunfellow: ‘How Near-Death Experiences Are Changing The World’
• New Book: ‘Brain Wars’ on NDEs
• New NDE Book: ‘Dancing Past The Dark’
• New Book: ‘Divine Moments…’
• Anita Moorjani & Wayne Dyer On The Aware Show
• Distressing Psi Is Really Misinterpreted Insight, Vitality, And Developmental Thrust
• Review Of Raymond Moody’s New Book: ‘Paranormal’
• Greyson Gives Dalai Lama ‘The Handbook of Near-Death Experiences’
• 15 Things We Know About Distressing NDEs
• P.M.H. Atwater: ‘NDE As A Threshold Experience’
• Why Materialist Science Cannot Explain Near-Death Experiences
• Dr. Eben Alexandra Featured On ‘I Survived’
• New Book: Raymond Moody: ‘Paranormal: My Life in Pursuit of the Afterlife’
• Teri Rose Discusses Her Near-Death Experience
• Annie Cap: ‘Beyond Goodbye’
• Respected Neurosurgeon Describes Life-Changing NDE
• ‘NDE Take-Aways’ By David Sunfellow
• Retired Colonel Has Dealt With Near-Death Experiences Since Vietnam War
• The Near-Death Experience Of Cami Elizabeth Renfrow
• Dancing Past The Dark: Distressing Near-Death Experiences
• Book: ‘Near-Death Experiences, The Rest of the Story…’
• Dr. Raymond Moody On Coast To Coast
• 2002 BBC Documentary: ‘The Day I Died’
• The Life, Near-Deaths & Death Of Ben Breedlove
• Medical Doctor Describes His Near-Death Experience
• Raymond Moody: ‘On Matters Of Life & Death’
• Bob Olson Interviews Anita Moorjani (& Related News)
• Ray, Kathy, & Robert Share Their NDEs On ‘I Survived…’
• Documentary: Bible-Believing Christians Explore NDEs
• The Near-Death Of A Child
• Joseph Shore: My NDE & Meeting Jesus
• Kathy, Martin, Lisa Share Their NDEs On ‘I Survived…’
• Nanci Danison’s Near-Death Experience
• Dale, Margaret & Cindy Share Their Near-Death Experiences
• New Book: “Making Sense Of Near-Death Experiences: A Handbook for Clinicians”
• Rene Jorgensen Speaking In Syracuse, NY About NDEs
• Science & The NDE: Chris Carter On Skeptiko
• Dr. Susan Blackmore Challenged On NDE’s & Afterlife
• Neale Donald Walsch’s Near-Death Experience
• Robert Perry’s Blog On Mary Jo Rapini’s NDE
• Anita Moorjani Describes Her Fight With Cancer
• One Of The Most Remarkable Near-Death Experiences Ever
• Ellen Burstyn In ‘Resurrection’ (A Fabulous 1980 NDE Movie)
• Near-Death Experiences: 30 Years of Research
• Suicidal Woman Describes Life-Changing NDE
• Actor Clint Walker Taks About His Near-Death Experience
• Raymond Moody On Shared-Death Experiences
• Juliet Nightingale: Toward The Light Radio Show
• People Talk About Their Near-Death Experiences On TLC
• Carl Jung’s Near-Death Experience
• Famous Cardiac Surgeon Shares Near-Death Experience Stories
• Historical Near-Death Experiences
• Dr. Melvin Morse & Three Children NDErs On Oprah
• Another Boy ‘Who Came Back From Heaven’
• Interview With 11-Year Old Colton Burpo (Heaven Is For Real)
• Celebrity Near-Death Experiences
• Bill Clinton Describes Near-Death-Like Experience
• Scientists Probe The Afterlife
• Compelling NDE Story (Includes Encounter With Jesus)
• Jesus & Near-Death Experiences
• Watch ‘I Survived… Beyond & Back’ Online!
• The Human Consciousness Project
• Book Summary: “Evidence Of The Afterlife”
• 1994 Documentary: Into The Light
• New Documentary: Life After Death
• Book Review: Glimpses of Eternity
• NDE Joke: A Face-Lift, Liposuction, Breast Implants And A Tummy Tuck…
• Book Review: Science And The Near-Death Experience
• Powerful, Life-Changing Near-Death Experience Quotes
• Dead Atheist/Agnostic Father Appears To Son
• 40 Insightful Articles About Near Death Experiences
• Documentary: Life After Life with Raymond Moody
• Jeffrey Mishlove Interviews Kenneth Ring
• Life After Death As Experienced By Children
• Dr. Raymond Moody On “Shared Death Experiences”
• Howard Storm: The Future of the World
• Blind Woman Describes Fascinating Near-Death Experience
• NHNE Setting Sail On Bold New Adventure