Nature of Time

11 Items

Index of Notes

by David Sunfellow

Fantastically Informative & Inspiring Notes & Quotes New Sections • Near-Death Experiences From Around The World (Updated 05/13/21) • Near-Death Experiences Featured On This Website (Updated 09/24/20) • NDE Newsletters • Galleries • Interviews with David Sunfellow Recent Posts • Kenneth Ring – Do Our Pets Have An Afterlife? • Uncle Calvin • Mary W […]

NDE Predictions – Personal

by David Sunfellow

Blessing in Disguise: Another Side of the Near Death Experience By Barbara Rommer Excerpt: “Tony said: ‘I was in the most beautiful place I have ever seen. It had a pure, pleasant, fresh, clean smell. I was pain free and totally happy. There were beautiful flowers of vibrant, vivid soft colors. A stream of crystal […]

Historical & Cross-Cultural Near-Death Experiences

by David Sunfellow

…………………. Near-Death Experiences Have Been Teaching, Healing, Guiding, And Evolving Humankind From The Earliest Days “Based on the groundbreaking work of scholars like Gregory Shushan, it is now clear that near-death experiences provided the source material that both civilized and indigenous cultures built their spiritual traditions on. What’s more, an evolutionary impulse has provided a […]

Highly Recommended Books & Movies

by David Sunfellow

……………. Highly Recommended Books ……………. 500 Quotes From Heaven: Life-Changing Quotes That Reveal The Wisdom & Power Of Near-Death Experiences By David Sunfellow One of the most sweeping and comprehensive books ever written about near-death experiences, this book features 140 experiencers and 24 researchers sharing their personal accounts, life experiences, and hard-earned wisdom. With a […]

Powerful, Life-Changing Near-Death Experience Quotes

by David Sunfellow

A collection of powerful, life-changing quotes from people who have had near-death experiences, as well as those who have researched this very important topic. ……….. “Our situation regarding NDEs is similar to the way humanity learned of exotic lands during the ancient era of exploration. After sailors returned from long voyages and wrote their accounts, […]

Walter Russell – The Man Who Tapped The Secrets Of The Universe

by David Sunfellow

…………….. …………….. Links: • The University of Science & Philosophy • The University of Science & Philosophy on YouTube • The Russell Museum • Wikipedia on Walter Russell • Swannanoa Books: • The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe • The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe (pdf) • The Universal […]

There Are No Easy Answers

by David Sunfellow

“I’m sorry. There are no easy answers. If we want to understand what NDEs are about, we have to learn how to swim in waters that are deeply disturbing to ordinary human sensibilities. And that takes time, patience, and effort. And a whole new set of skills that are completely alien to normal, every day life.”

Kenneth Ring: Waiting To Die

by David Sunfellow

“The bright realization that must come before death will be worth all the boredom of living.” — Ned Rorem ………… All of Kenneth Ring’s Waiting To Die essay’s are now available in his new book. Kenneth Ring is also a regular writer on The University of Heaven website. ………… Waiting To Die By NDE Researcher […]

Teaching Others About NDEs

by David Sunfellow

Teaching Others About Near-Death Experiences By David Sunfellow Many of us realize that the core truths championed by near-death experiences have the potential to change the world. After we’ve educated ourselves and started applying NDE truths to our personal lives, the next step is to share what we’ve learned with others. If you’re ready for this step and […]

Jungian Analyst Monica Wikman on Archetypal Phenomena Surrounding Death

by David Sunfellow

#344 – Archetypal Phenomena Surrounding Death with Monika Wikman, PhD A psychology podcast by David Van Nuys, Ph.D. March 28, 2013 Original Link Download this fantastic interview (MP3) Monica Wikman, Ph.D was my guest on episode #286 on Jungian Active Imagination and #235 – Using Alchemical Archetypes in Jungian Analysis. She is a Jungian Analyst […]

Healing Past Events By Time Traveling & Changing Them

by David Sunfellow

While time unfolds in a linear way in this world, one of the core truths presented by near-death experiences is that time does not actually exist as we experience it here. From the perspective of NDEs, time not only doesn’t exist as we experience it, but everything — past, present, and future, along with every […]