David Sunfellow is the founder of NewHeavenNewEarth (NHNE), a small internet-based non-profit located in Sedona, Arizona. NHNE first emerged online in October of 1994. It was one of the first spiritually oriented organizations to emerge on the internet. It was also one of the first organizations to make a search for the truth (rather than promoting specific religious or philosophical agendas) its primary goal. The mission statement of NHNE reads:
“The mission of NewHeavenNewEarth (NHNE) is to answer humankind’s oldest, most perplexing questions: Who are we? Why are we here? Where are we headed? What is the origin and purpose of life?
“Instead of relying on ancient or contemporary wisdom, or the knowledge of isolated experts, we are building a global network of seekers from all walks of life, from all parts of the world, lay people and professionals alike, that can pool talents, experience, and resources to unravel life’s great mysteries.
“We also believe that our planet is passing through a time of profound change and are seeking to create a global community of like-minded people that can safely pass through whatever changes may come our way and help give birth to a new way of life on our planet.”
NHNE’s online activities began with the publication of a series of online newsletters. From there it launched a variety of other projects some of which are databased here and here and here and here.
While NHNE had reported on near-death experiences from the beginning, in 2009, after realizing that near-death experiences were emerging as a global phenomenon, David began using all of NHNE’s resources to seriously investigate NDEs in depth. That effort included:
• Creating the world’s largest self-contained NDE social network (which included over 200 members who reported having classic near-death experiences)
• Maintaining the largest collection of hand-picked NDE video testimonials in the world (which numbered over 2,000)
• Teaching NDE classes for a year and a half and giving four public NDE presentations in Sedona
• Bringing well-known near-death experiencers like Anita Moorjani to Sedona
• Co-Creating The Mustard Seed Venture – NewHeavenNewEarth Community Center (which no longer exists) to serve as a gathering place and home base for David’s NDE work
• Creating The Formula for Creating Heaven on Earth, which was/is an attempt to distill the core truths presented by near-death experiences into helpful practices that can be applied to every day life
• Producing three popular YouTube presentations: How Near-Death Experiences Are Changing The World, What Near-Death Experiences Teach Us, and Jesus, Near-Death Experiences and Religion
• And writing two books, The Purpose of Life as Revealed by Near-Death Experiences from Around the World and 500 Quotes From Heaven that featured the best-of-the-best NDE stories and quotes that David collected in over 45 years of NDE research
Additional NHNE NDE-related resources include:
• Outstanding Near-Death Experiences On YouTube
• Encounters with Jesus Website
• Four NDE social networks, on Facebook and Twitter.
All of these resources are (or were) run, maintained, and facilitated by David.
Prominent writings include:
• The Purpose of Life as Revealed by Near-Death Experiences from Around the World
• The Healthy Relationship Preamble
Additional writings are posted here.
The following NHNE Special Reports contain biographical information about David:
• The History of “The Formula”
• Earth Changes & Millennium Fever
• Thoughts on Jesus & Gibson’s ‘Passion of Christ’
A few of the “big dreams” and stories that have guided and shaped David’s life are posted here.
To make a living, David works as a professional photographer: sunfellowphotography.com and sunfellowphotos.com. David is also the father of three daughters and one son. He has lived in Sedona, Arizona for the past 35 years.
NDE Presentations