Near-Death Experiences That Predict The End Of The World
What are we to think about near-death experiences that predict the end of the world? Are these dramatic, mostly apocalyptic predictions reliable? Where do they come from? And what can we learn from them?
As an example of the kind of dire predictions we are talking about, this resource page begins with a 15-year-old Jewish boy describing his apocalyptic near-death experience. That video is followed by several more dramatic NDE predictions, including predictions from George Ritchie, Deputy Marty Breeden, Kathy Baker, Reinee Pasarow, Howard Storm, Kenneth Leth, and Mellen-Thomas Benedict.
Then we hear from Robert Mays and Kenneth Ring, two NDE researchers who examine this topic from different angles. Mays examines several current predictions that are waiting to come true, while Ring discusses a series of 1988 predictions that failed to materialize.
One important point worth noting: According to Mays, only four percent of the near-death experiences collected by IANDS contain future global predictions. Only four percent? Why so few? And why are most of them so dire?
Finally, this page includes comments, videos, links, and other information that explores the exceptionally poor track record of apocalyptic predictions (both past and present, from near-death experiences and elsewhere) and offers some concrete advise as to how to face — and constructively shape — whatever future awaits us.