
120 of 53 items

Why It’s Important To Know About Shadow Issues And Work On Them

by David Sunfellow

Quotes “Here is a universal truth that everyone needs to know: Spiritual experiences, including near-death experiences, DO NOT perfect the human side of our nature. Spiritual experiences can, however, blind us and make us (and others) think we are more developed than we actually are. If we focus too much on the spiritual realities of […]

Index of Notes

by David Sunfellow

Fantastically Informative & Inspiring Notes & Quotes New Sections • Near-Death Experiences From Around The World (Updated 05/13/21) • Near-Death Experiences Featured On This Website (Updated 09/24/20) • NDE Newsletters • Galleries • Interviews with David Sunfellow Recent Posts • Kenneth Ring – Do Our Pets Have An Afterlife? • Uncle Calvin • Mary W […]

Dr. Christopher Kerr: Dreams & Visions Of The Dying

by David Sunfellow

Dr. Christopher W. Kerr is the Chief Medical Officer at The Center for Hospice and Palliative Care in Buffalo, New York, where he has worked since 1999. His background in research has evolved from bench science towards the human experience of illness as witnessed from the bedside, specifically patients’ dreams and visions at the end […]

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross On Life, Death & Near-Death Experiences

by David Sunfellow

Releasing The Butterfly By Sandy C HeavenKnowsBooks September 10, 2016 Original Link “Many people say: Of course, Doctor Ross has seen too many dying patients. Now she starts getting a bit funny.” These were the opening lines of On Life After Death, a little book containing transcripts of three lectures given by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross between […]

David Sunfellow: How To Love Ourselves

by David Sunfellow

How To Love Ourselves (v2.2) By David Sunfellow Near-death experiences strongly champion the idea that we need to love ourselves. If we could see and love ourselves as God does our lives would be completely transformed. So would our relationships with everyone and everything else. You would think that loving ourselves would be easy, especially for […]


by David Sunfellow

Near-death experiences are full of encounters with angels and other spiritual beings. Here are a few examples… ……………… When I Was In The Company of Angels NDEr Howard Storm Excerpts from My Descent Into Death: A Second Chance at Life “Every person has guardian angels all their lives throughout his or her life. Our angels are […]

Historical & Cross-Cultural Near-Death Experiences

by David Sunfellow

…………………. Near-Death Experiences Have Been Teaching, Healing, Guiding, And Evolving Humankind From The Earliest Days “Based on the groundbreaking work of scholars like Gregory Shushan, it is now clear that near-death experiences provided the source material that both civilized and indigenous cultures built their spiritual traditions on. What’s more, an evolutionary impulse has provided a […]

When Loved Ones & Friends Pass From This World To The Next

by David Sunfellow

Many people suffer terribly when a family member or dear friend passes from this world to the next. If you are looking for something to ease your pain and/or lift the pain of another, here are a few helpful resources to explore and share… ……………… “It is impossible to die alone. This also includes someone […]

NDEs on the Importance of Plants, Animals, and the Earth

by David Sunfellow

Take Care Of The Earth, The Animals, And One Another NDEr Oliver John Calvert “I heard a voice say to me ‘You have not fulfilled your purpose here.’ “And I said, ‘What was my purpose?’… I didn’t have a clue. I truly didn’t have a clue — how to live, what life was about, what it was […]

The Little Things

by David Sunfellow

………….. The Little Things In Life Are The Big Things ………….. It’s The Little Things That Count As the Being of Light moved away… I had gained the knowledge that I could use to correct my life. I could hear the Being’s message in my head: “Humans are powerful spiritual beings meant to create good […]

NDEs & The Purpose Of Life

by David Sunfellow

Our Job On Earth Is Important; Our Worth Is How Much We Can Love Near-Death Experiencer Heather V “At the end of this tunnel was the most beautiful place in existence. I seemed to have arrived back in the room but in another dimension. I was looking at everyone and everything in that hospital through what […]

NHNE Prayer List

by David Sunfellow

This prayer list has been created for people who follow the work of David Sunfellow and NHNE. It draws it’s inspiration from numerous near-death experiences that insist prayer is one way that we can dramatically help ourselves and others…

Shared Death Experiences

by David Sunfellow

Shared-Death Experiences (SDE) Original Link Shared-death experiences (SDE) have been documented by the Society for Psychical Research in London since the late 1800s. Peter Fenwick, MD, and Elizabeth Fenwick, RN, who research end-of-life phenomena, have collected hundreds of shared-death experiences in the United Kingdom and in Northern Europe. Dr. Raymond Moody formally coined the term […]

Mary W Describes Her Near-Death-Like Experience

by David Sunfellow

As I put my foot on the brake to slow down I looked in my rearview mirror and saw the grille of a semi. Not the semi — the grille of the semi. It was literally, my worst nightmare. I was horrified and panicked. I remember saying aloud, “I cannot believe I’m going to die today!” It was about three seconds from the time I saw him until I was hit but those three seconds changed my life and me completely…

Self-Talk Saves The World

by David Sunfellow

If you can learn to stand yourself in your moments of deepest ugliness, you can learn to stand anyone’s ugliness without losing your ability to love. And love is what makes us a species worthy of survival. Love is what will get us through this…

Highly Recommended Books & Movies

by David Sunfellow

……………. Highly Recommended Books ……………. 500 Quotes From Heaven: Life-Changing Quotes That Reveal The Wisdom & Power Of Near-Death Experiences By David Sunfellow One of the most sweeping and comprehensive books ever written about near-death experiences, this book features 140 experiencers and 24 researchers sharing their personal accounts, life experiences, and hard-earned wisdom. With a […]

Dream Basics

by David Sunfellow

Dream Basics v1.0 By David Sunfellow Download a pdf of the handout here. ……………… How To Remember Your Dreams • First and foremost, you need to value dreams and WANT to remember them. Here are a few ways to awaken an interest in dreams: talk with long-time dreamers, read dream books, visit dream websites and […]

The Power of Prayer

by David Sunfellow

Near-death experiences champion prayer as a super power. Along with meditation (feeling the Presence of God), feeling and expressing gratitude, cultivating a sense of humor (which includes not taking ourselves too seriously), and learning how to see things from higher perspectives, near-death experiences indicate that prayer can produce miracles. Here are a few quotes from near-death experiencers that illustrate the power — […]